A Malkuth of Me
Any posts that are not pen-name specific.
No, You’re Right, Kevin, It’s Not That Exciting
Recently, I’ve had some feedback on 76-Week Goetia from two men. The feedback basically was that there was nothing new regarding the Daemons in the book, and the second criticism was that the repetitiveness of exercises wasn’t exciting enough. I’d like to address both of these things because I think both comments illustrate a lot of beginner’s and arm-chair theorists…
Why I write traditional witches and darker path occultist characters.
I love supernatural, paranormal, and witchy fiction. I love it because I can better identify with the characters, and it makes me, as a reader, feel seen. That said, I got tired of reading the existing urban fantasy, paranormal fiction, and supernatural fiction with the standard “only white witches are good” narrative. All the characters spent a lot of time…
Lessons Learned From a Writing Life Part Two
Be BOLD – Don’t censor your thoughts and ideas no matter how outside the mainstream they are. Playing it safe doesn’t bode well for a writer. Be FEARLESS – Don’t be afraid to try new things, embrace new technology, or hit publish on that novel you’ve had sitting in your desk drawer collecting dust for all these years. You never…
A Writer’s Priority is Writing – Not Managing ALL the Social Media.
Today, I (and many other writers) received a survey from a marketing mentor asking about TikTok. Apparently, this is the direction advertising and selling books is heading. Mind you, for a young, tech-savvy fifty-year-old, I am perfectly comfortable with video, including platforms like TikTok. Chatting with an audience is easy if I know in advance what I want to say.…
6 Ideas For A More Creative Space
If you haven’t guessed it – this month’s theme is creativity. One of the most frequent questions people ask me is: “How do you optimize your space for creativity?” That’s not always and easy answer because I feel like I’m still experimenting with my own creative space. Some days, I don’t want to work in my creative space at all…
Setting Boundaries Does Not Equal Unelightenment
Any time I openly set boundaries about certain types of reader email or make mention of the things in the occulture that I find irritating, I am occasionally met with some variation of the following response: “You asked for this [people wasting your time and being trolling assholes] by writing books. Quit complaining. You make money from this. So maybe you should…
Playlist for Illuminated Darkness (OTS 5)
For your listening pleasure – a list of songs (on Spotify) that have inspired Illuminated Darkness. This is the fifth book in the OTS Series. The first song on the list is the theme song for the entire novel. Each book I write has a theme song. Listen at your own risk. I have rather aggressive/dark tastes in music that…
When Life Requires Prioritization #scheduling #spoons
Recently it came to my attention that some folks have mistaken my dedication to my own work, and minding my own business, as not having the time to be bothered with participating in online occult discussions. While I don’t owe anyone an explanation – I think it’s important that I address this because statements like this suggest that maybe I…
Castles!!! #throwbackthursday
Everyone loves pictures of castles! 15 years ago, my husband and I did a touristy trip to Southern England. I don’t have a proper scanner for our photos, but with the wonders of modern technology (aka my phone), I took pictures of our pictures and turned them into a photo gallery to share with my readers. This is probably why…
On Being A Female (Magician)
The following question was posted to my blog earlier today from a reader, and due to the nature of it, I thought the answer deserved its own blog post. Here is the question: Off topic, but I guess this came up because of mother’s day. In recent times particularly on the internet there has been a lot of discussion about…