Why do you have four pen names? Check out the response HERE or HERE.

Where can I get your books? You can get my paperbacks on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or you can order them through your local bookstore. All my fiction can also be purchased in eBook for Kindle, and some of it is on Nook. Some of it is even on Smashwords ( Anne O’Connell). I’ve been playing with Kindle Unlimited with the S. J. Reisner and Audrey Brice stuff since the ebooks don’t always sell as well wide (i.e. through all the outlets).

Which age-group are your novels geared toward? All of my books are geared toward adults, but the fantasy is safe for advanced readers age 13+ and most of my S. J. Reisner books are at least PG13 since they’re geared toward readers with milder sensibilities. The rest of my fiction (Anne O’Connell and Audrey Brice) contains explicit sex scenes and language and parental discretion is advised. People regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation tend to enjoy my books, so they’re not really geared toward specific groups of people. I have readers who read my romance alongside my horror fiction.

Can I get signed copies of your books? I sometimes carry stock of my novels but I rarely, if ever, carry stock of my non-fiction. Your best bet to get signed copies is to ask for signed bookplates or enter one of my giveaways (on this site or other sites). Or just contact me and ask what I have in stock. It varies from month to month.

Which of your books do you recommend I start with? Depends what you’re interested in. If you are into:

  • Demonolatry: The Complete Book of Demonolatry.
  • Daemonic Magick: The Daemonolater’s Guide to Daemonic Magick.
  • General Magick: The Art of Creative Magick or Curses, Hexes, & Crossing.
  • Epic Fantasy: Left Horse Black.
  • Contemporary Sweet Romance: Saving Sarah May.
  • Steamy Contemporary Romance:  Training Amy. 
  • Cozy Mystery: Woefully Wicked or Aiming for Trouble
  • Horror/Supernatural Thriller: Thirteen Covens: Bloodlines I.
  • Urban Fantasy: Outer Darkness or Inherited Djinn 
  • Paranormal Romance: Her Demon Lover or Captive Vampire
  • Paranormal Women’s Fiction: Aiming for Trouble

Where can I get a list of all your books? I actually created a page listing all of my published work. You can find that page HERE.

Will you read my manuscript? I really wish I had time, but my lack of time prohibits me from doing this. So unless you’re a member of my crit group I’m afraid the answer is no.

Will you read my published book and give me a blurb?  I will happily read books by, and trade blurbs with authors I’m friends with. I have a ton of writer friends and will put them ahead of authors I don’t know. Time is a huge factor here. If I like what I read, I’ll finish it and give you a blurb, if not, I will decline. Don’t take it personally if I choose not to blurb your book.  The problem is there are SO MANY authors asking me for blurbs or reviews, and there is only so much time in the day. If I’m going to read and give blurbs I will start with what I love to read, move to those that have the most potential for drawing more readers to my own work, and if I have time left over — everything else.

Wait, I thought you were an indie author!?  I am. There are a couple of books in my catalog that were, or are currently traditionally published via small traditional presses. I’m what they call a “hybrid-author”.  I run Darkerwood Publishing Group, DB Publishing and Midnight Fantasy Press. That means I’m  in charge of most of my fiction and much of my non-fiction myself.

Can you answer my Demonolatry questions? If it’s a Demonolatry 101 question, please look into my book The Complete Book of Demonolatry. Unfortunately I just don’t have time to answer questions already answered in my books. If you write to me at my email, my assistant may be able to direct you to a book or blog post that will answer your question.

I’d like to talk about Demonolatry with you. Unfortunately your request will have to be really provocative to pique my interest. It needs to stand out from the 20-30 inquiries I receive every week from complete strangers wanting to just chat about Demonolatry. I wish I had time. I do. But at the moment I have a family, friends, a coven, work, pets, and real life adult responsibilities that take precedence over email. Sorry. Check out my S. Connolly FAQ for answers to the most frequently asked questions.

Will you give me a special reading? Depends who you are and whether or not my guides suggest it. The short answer here is no.  Readings are what they are and taking “extra time” won’t change a reading.

I want to get to know you because I’m interested in you. Thank you! I am not against the idea of making new friends online, but via email is just not one of those ways to do that. Try one of my online hangouts. Also – I am VERY HAPPILY MARRIED and have no interest in starting friendships with men online or taking it offline to phone or personal contact.

Will you call me on the phone? No. I hate phones and unless you’re family or a personal friend, I won’t call you. One of the reasons for this is A. I’m married. I don’t think it’s fair to my husband that I spend time I should be spending with him (our time is limited with me working so much), on the phone with strangers. B. I’ve had people abuse the invitation to talk on the phone by calling me at inconvenient hours or calling me constantly and harassing me. I will not put my family thought that.  I’m also an introvert with mild social anxiety, so phones and interactions with strangers really suck the life out of me. I tend to avoid that….

Where is your next appearance? I’d like to meet you!  You can find my appearances on this page. Be forewarned however that I’ve always been light on the appearances.  First, it’s the introvert thing again. Second, did I mention I have mild social anxiety?

Now that you’ve read this FAQ …

How can I contact you? The contact page is a good starting place.