• Magick,  S. Connolly

    Cursed: An Occult Drama

    It’s that time again. Time for me to step up on my soapbox and piss people off. So here goes — I am convinced 85% of occult practitioners (regardless path or paradigm) should have pursued amateur theater. Why? Aside from the constant pageantry, preening, in-fighting, shit-talking and rumor mills among more social types, every time I turn around I meet…

  • life,  rants

    The Perils of Cat Hoarding

    On suggestion of a friend, I am writing this article in hopes more people become aware of pet hoarding and the dangers it poses to the animals trapped in a hoarding situation. Let me introduce you to Leela. This is a cat that we adopted from a local cage-free shelter on January 5. Leela was rescued from a cat hoarder…

  • business of writing,  Publishing,  the writing life

    Honest Encouragement

    It’s my belief there are two types of encouragement in the world. The first is unconditional. No matter how unrealistic or idealistic one’s goals are, unconditional encouragement is where you tell someone they can do whatever they want no matter what. My mom gave me a  lot of unconditional encouragement when I was growing up by telling me I could…