Why I Participate in Magickal Anthologies #Magick
I often get asked why I participate in anthologies (especially certain ones) and while I don’t really owe anyone an explanation at all, I thought I would share three major reasons to answer the question once and for all. 1. To share my ideas with an audience outside my existing audience. These seemingly small articles actually draw new magicians to…
Choosing Kindness (Or Not)
Over the past week I received three emails from different people asking whether or not the Zagan Rite was for them. Now, normally I’m pretty honest. I will tell a person my thoughts on their use of magick for personal issues and hold nothing back. After all, they need to know up front the potential pitfalls of every operation they…
This spell isn’t working, Sir. May I have another?
At some point enough is enough. A few years back I finally lost my patience with inexperienced practitioners coming to me wanting a bigger, badder, more effective “spell” or “ritual” because the previous one I gave them didn’t work, or didn’t work quickly, or didn’t give them exactly what they expected. I started telling them the truth of the matter.…
So Speshuuuul! Now with MORE Satan.
About once a month I either hear or see this same comment somewhere out there in the Occulture: “Once you get to a certain **point** in your magickal practice or relationship with the Daemonic, you no longer need rituals or to write things down.” Why? Because apparently, you become sooooo speshuul the Daemons will just pop by for coffee on a…
Blackrose Coven #thirteencovens
Blackrose Coven – Audrey Brice Daemons, walking corpses, teenage sorcerers, and self-professed minions of Satan – it’s all in a days work for the Tri-county Sheriff’s Department out of Haileyville, New York. Keeping the supernatural off the official record and under the news radar isn’t an easy job, but Sheriff Steve and the other members of the Blackrose Coven are…
Daemonic Prosperity Magick #daemonolatry
It’s finally available to the general public! Daemonic Prosperity Magick! Written exclusively for experienced Daemonolaters, in Daemonic Prosperity Magick, learn how money magick with Daemons works. This book gives you PRACTICAL Daemonic magick to bring more prosperity into your life! Included are the six best Daemons for wealth, prosperity, and career success – including Clauneck – and formulas on how to double…
Fiction vs. Real World Occult
It never ceases to amaze me the questions I receive in my email where people have blurred the lines between fiction vs. real-world occult. Or perhaps it doesn’t amaze me so much as saddens me. For some people, there’s a real disconnect between reality and pure fantasy. They are willing to believe that fictional accounts like Marlowe’s Dr. Faustus, Milton’s…
Daemonic Love Magick (Daemonolater’s Guide #8) #demonolatry
This new addition to the Daemonolater’s Guide series teaches you how to perform powerful Daemonic magick to draw love, sex, friendship, and even summon succubi and incubi. This easy to use guide is brief, but packed with information for big results! GET IT NOW! Kindle: http://a.co/6GyM7n1 Paperback: http://a.co/ba3vbxQ
When Magick Doesn’t Work #magick #Daemonolatry
Sometimes, despite our best efforts and intentions, magick doesn’t work in a situation. Especially situations where you’re influencing other people. Even seasoned magicians have this problem at times (though most likely won’t admit it). I’ve learned over the years how to tell if the magick I’m considering is going to work or not, and I pick and choose my magickal battles…
Consistency & Stability #magick #adulting101 #amwriting
As with all things in life, consistency is one of the main ingredients to success. You have to show up, do the work, and do it with consistency. Far too often I meet magicians who want a quick fix (usually magickal success in any endeavor), or skills, or even a following or readership (for the occult authors out there) with none…