• books,  fun,  reading,  thoughts

    How Books Scare Us — or Not

    I’ve always loved a good horror story. While I don’t always write horror, when I do, I try to emulate masters of suspense like Stephen King, Dean Koontz, and Thomas Olde Heuvelt. I’ve been told the Amelia Doss series, written by my co-author Andre Gonzalez, and me, is pretty darn terrifying. When I wrote Amelia, I really tried hard to…

  • Audrey Brice,  e-books,  new releases,  reading

    New Release: Aiming for Trouble

    Everyone has their Daemons. I just happen to have more than most. I’m Samigina Montgomery. Middle-aged, former event planner to the stars, and witch-in-denial. At forty-five, I’ve just inherited a house full of ghosts, a talking cat named Sebastian, the family grimoire, and a barn with a body in it. Now that I’ve meddled in the killer’s affairs and discovered…

  • Anne O'Connell,  book news,  book tour,  books,  erotica,  kindle,  reading

    Her Demon Wedding #demonwedding

    Her Demon Wedding by Anne O’Connell is now available. A year after her D/s relationship with a demon began, Lori Penhall finds herself overwhelmed with family and wedding plans. When more secrets about her demon lover Michael are revealed, and Lori’s ex shows up, Lori’s formal human-wedding takes a turn for the worse. Between a demon father-in-law and other surprises,…

  • A Malkuth of Me,  books,  reading,  the writing life

    Book Collection

    I am often asked about my occult book collection. It’s large enough. No, it’s not exclusively full of limited edition hardcovers or too much collection worthy. In fact, a lot of it is relatively standard. I keep everything I purchase, no matter how awful, just so the coven has access if anything. I keep these books in the temple for easy…