Review: Women of Myth Oracle Deck
Put this Oracle Deck on Your To-Buy List
While I primarily read tarot, sigils, runes, and Lenormand, I do, from time to time, use “other” oracle decks and thought it might be high time to review one. When I was asked to review the Women of Myth Oracle Deck: Guidance and Insight from the Divine and Diverse Feminine, I wasn’t really sure what I was in for. A lot of oracle decks can be moderately fluffy and the artwork is either hit or miss. This oracle deck, however, was nothing like I expected. It’s designed so not only do you get a bit of information about each goddess, heroine, or “monster”, but it also gives clear meanings for each card with suggested wisdom to follow. The artwork is absolutely gorgeous and the best thing is it’s in muted colors. I love the style, and furthermore — the women are wearing clothes and don’t look like a bunch of half-naked imps. Some are beautiful, others are strong, some are terrifying and I love that. My biggest objection is in calling some spirits “monsters”. I think a better term could have been utilized since one woman’s monster is another woman’s protector and champion. I would have chosen to call them Adversaries or Challengers. Or even Antagonists. But, let’s face it, ultimately in myth, the monsters are in fact the “devils” of various cultures. That said, the deck does do a wonderful job of treating even the monsters fairly and doling out common sense wisdom and advice that is productive without sliding into toxic positivity. The book is easy to use and contains how to do spreads and read the cards, and then shows a picture of each card (sorted by category and alphabetically by name) and includes keywords, lists the story of the woman portrayed, the meaning of the card, and the advice the card offers. It’s a beautiful deck, matte, not glossy, and will need to be broken in for shuffling. The card stock is heavy, but I could see them holding up to a lot of use. I actually think I’m going to keep this deck for use with clients because I like it so much.
This deck retails at $24.99 and releases Wednesday, July 5, and can be pre-ordered.