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The Complete Bibliography

A lot of people have been asking for my complete Bibliography so they can collect all of my books and stories. A list of everything I’ve ever written or published would be very extensive and exhausting, especially if we add non-fiction articles to the mix.  So this page might grow as we go. I’m also going to put a permanent link to this post on the PRESS KIT page so it can be accessed by anyone looking for my complete bibliography. The titles in blue are current works in progress. Titles in green are novel or full book length.

Updated 06/05/2024

Anne O’Connell (steamy romance, and steamy paranormal romance novellas and novels)

  • -Weekend Captive (2011, novella eBook)
  • -Nice Girls Don’t (2010, novella eBook)
  • -SINcerely, Megan (2010, short fiction eBook)
  • Surrender: Tales of Submission (2011, paperback anthology – includes two novellas and a short story)
  • Training Amy (2011, eBook and Paperback)
  • -My Neighbor Enslaved (2011, novella eBook)
  • Switched (2012, eBook and Paperback)
  • -Domme X (2012, short fiction eBook)
  • -The Rite (2013 – ebook short fiction)
  • Her Demon Lover (2013 – eBook + paperback)
  • -DOM359 (2014, eBook novella only)
  • -Wolf (2014, eBook short fiction)
  • Twisted Submission (2014, paperback + eBook anthology, includes 2 shorts and 2 novellas)
  • Black Lily (2014 paperback and eBook)
  • Her Demon Wedding (2015 paperback and ebook)
  • -Temple of Lilith (Jan 2016 novella ebook)
  • Taming Trish – Gilded Lily Book 4 (December 2016)
  • Twisted Temptations 1: Deflowered  (June 2017) Short fiction collection.
  • Twisted Temptations 2: Curiosities  (July 2017) Odd erotic short fiction collection
  • -Falling from Grace (SINcerely, Megan, the rest of the story, April 2018)
  • Santa Sandwich – November 2019
  • Captive Vampire – January 2020
  • -Seven Lustful Sins – July 2021
  • Re-Release of Gilded Lily as Doms of Black Lily (all through 2021) includes CONFINED, HUNTED, CLAIMED, and TAMED
  • Cursed Vampire – August 2021
  • Fated Vampire
  • Forbidden Vampire
  • Tales from Black Lily: The BDSM Bookclub
  • Her Demon Master

S. J. Reisner (general, romance, fantasy & NF)

  • Left Horse Black (2005 and 2006, eBook and paperback)
  • Warrior’s Blood Red (2009, eBook and paperback)
  • -The Unicorns War Softly (2009, eBook only)
  • -The Day Hell Froze Over (2008, eBook and paperback)
  • -The Elements of Warfare (short fiction in The Unicorn’s War Softly, also published in The Rose & Thorn E-Zine and the Taj Mahal Review)
  • – Faith in Unicorns (short fiction in The Unicorn’s War Softly, also published at, 2007)
  • -A Sorcerer by Any Other Name (short fiction published in Sorcerous Magazine, 1996,  and at Alexandria Digital Literature, 1998)
  • -Indie Author: The Writing Life When You’ve Gone Rogue (2010, eBook only)
  • -Recession Proof Your Life (2011, eBook only)
  • Saving Sarah May ( 2016, eBook and Paperback)
  • Eagle’s Talon Gray (March 2018)
  • The Mrs. Clause (November 2022)

Audrey Brice (Horror/Thriller/Urban Fantasy/Occult fiction/PNR/Cozy Mystery)

  • Outer Darkness (2010, eBook and paperback)
  • Into Darkness (2012, eBook and paperback)
  • -A Rising Damp (2013, short fiction eBook only)
  • -Rising Darkness (2013, eBook & Paperback)
  • -Dead Man’s Knock (2014, eBook short fiction)
  • -Sunny Satan Arizona (2014, eBook novella)
  • -When Good Angels Go Bad (2014, eBook novella)
  • -Samuel (2014, eBook short fiction)
  • Rocky Mountain Haunt (2015, ebook only)
  • -Soul Eater (2015 – part of the Crossroads in the Dark Anthology – ebook and paperback)
  • Ascending Darkness (April 2016 eBook and paperback)
  • -The Danbury Ghost (2016, ebook)
  • -Temple Apophis (March 2016)
  • -Lucifer’s Haven (June 2016)
  • -Shadow Marbas (October 2016)
  • -Heart’s Desire (October 2016- part of the Man Behind the Mask Anthology)
  • -Generations (November 2016 – part of the Into the Abyss Anthology)
  • -The Watch (April 2017)
  • -Ba’al Collective (June 2017)
  • -Order of Eurynome (August 2017)
  • Thirteen Covens: Bloodlines Part One (September 2017)
  • -Dedication Rite (2017 – part of the CRITD 3: Monsters Under Your Bed Anthology)
  • Blackrose Coven (April/May 2018)
  • Within Darkness
  • Stygian: Disciples (collection of horror short fiction)
  • Temple of Dagon
  • Woefully Wicked (October 2019)
  • Something Wicked (January 2020)
  • Illuminated Darkness
  • Thirteen Covens: Darkness (February 2020)
  • Cult of Lucifuge (February 2020)
  • Thirteen Covens Academy: Coven Born (March 2020)
  • Thoroughly Wicked (April 2020)
  • Thirteen Covens Academy: Coven Society (June 2020)
  • Bloody Wicked (July 2020)
  • Thirteen Covens Academy: Coven Cursed (September 2020)
  • Hauntingly Wicked (October 2020)
  • Ressurection (October 2020) with Andre Gonzalez
  • Dark Prince (November 2020)
  • Deliciously Wicked (April 2021)
  • Nightfall (September 2021) with Andre Gonzalez
  • Salvation (October 2021) with Andre Gonzalez
  • Lawfully Wicked (May 2023)
  • A Purloined Solstice (December 2021)
  • Temple of the Magi
  • Ashtaroth Briarwood
  • Inherited Djinn (April 2022)
  • Aiming for Trouble (July 2022)
  • All Djinn the Family
  • Murmurs of Necromancy (2023)
  • Thoroughly Wicked – The Wicked Ways Complete Collection (a print set of all the Wicked Ways stories)

S. Connolly (NF Spirituality and Esoteric)

  • Modern Demonolatry (1999, 2005 currently in eBook only. Past editions have seen both paperback and hardcover printings, see The Complete Book of Demonolatry)
  • -Lessons in Demonolatry (2005, see The Complete Book of Demonolatry, this book no longer in print)
  • -Collection of Demonolatry (2007, a combination of MD, LD, ACM, out of print)
  • The Complete Book of Demonolatry (2006, print only)
  • The Daemonolater’s Guide to Daemonic Magick (2010, print only) (primary author)
  • Daemonolatry Goetia  (2010, eBook and paperback)
  • Demonolatry Rites (2007, eBook and paperback – I both edited and was the primary contributor to this one)
  • The Art of Creative Magick (2007, eBook and paperback)
  • The Kasdeya Rite of Ba’al (2009, print only)
  • Honoring Death: The Arte of Daemonolatry Necromancy  (2011, eBook, paperback and hardcover)
  • Curses, Hexes, & Crossing (2011, Hardcover, Paperback, eBook)
  • Infernal Colopatiron  (2012, Hardcover Only, out of print – now Abyssal Angels)
  • Nuctemeron Gates (2012 eBook + Paperback)
  • Keys of Ocat (2013, Hardcover, paperback, eBook)
  • Necomantic Sacraments (2013 paperback + ebook)
  • Sigillum Diaboli ( 2013 paperback, hardcover)
  • – The Goetia Workbook (2013 paperback + Hardcover)
  • – Modification & Practice Series: Hidden, Scales of Ma’at, and Modified Daemonolatry  (2013 – eBooks and Paperbacks)
  • Abyssal Angels: Infernal Colopatiron Redux (2013, paperback, eBook, hardcover)
  • Abyssal Communion & Rite of Imbibement (2013 eBook, paperback, hardcover)
  • – The Spirit Workbook (2014, paperback & hardcover)
  • – 30 Days of Spirit Work ( 2014, paperback, hardcover, eBook)
  • Drawing Down Belial (2014 eBook, paperback, hardcover)
  • Bound by Blood (2014 eBook and paperback)
  • Wortcunning for Daemonolatry (2015 Paperback, hardcover and ebook)
  • Daemonolater’s Guide Series (2015 ebook and paperback)
    • Pacts with Daemons
    • Daemonic Offerings
    • Daemonic Possession
    • Daemonolatry Groups with M. Delaney
    • Sex, Money & Power
    • Spirit Vessels and Spirit Keeping with Andrieh Vitimus and A. A. Addams
    • Prayer & Prayer Cords
    • Daemonic Love Magick
  • Book of Agares
  • Lake of Fire: A Daemonolater’s Guide to Ascension
  • -The Indie Esoteric: Self Publishing for Aspiring Occult Authors
  • Daemonic Prosperity Magick (January 2018)
  • – Daemonolatry Monograph 1
  • – The Preeminant Curse
  • – Daemonolatry Monograph 2
  • -How to Draw Friends and Sacrifice Toxic People
  • -LARVA: The Book of Transformation (with Ené Pithas)
  • -Four Daemon Queens (with J. C. DeCesari)
  •  76 Week Goetia
  • Psychic Self-Defense and Protection Magick
  • Foundational Correspondences for Daemonolaters (with J. C. DeCesari)
  • The Alchemy of Goetia
  • The Kitchen Witch Cookbook (with Amanda Sidoti and additional contributors)
  • The Hierarchy Dukanté
  • Four Daemon Kings (with J. C. DeCesari)
  • Bound by Blood II – Additional Musings of a Daemonolatress
  • Leviathan: A Grimoire of the Demiurge (includes Book of Leviathan)

Random S. Connolly Projects (other published contributions): See my other page of published S. Connolly articles etc… HERE

  • Ater Votum: Daemonolatry Prayer  (didn’t write it – just edited it and contributed material to it)
  • -Ritus Record Libri (a ritual journal – I designed it and put it together)
  • -Meditation Journal (a meditation journal – I designed it and put it together)
  • My Name is Legion – an anthology of essays edited and compiled by S. Connolly (no contribution other than editing and collecting)
  • Into the Abyss: An Anthology of Horror/Paranormal Fiction by Practitioners of the Occult
  • Catechismus Infernalus

Steph is an award winning and bestselling author of thrilling steamy and paranormal romances, dark urban fantasy, occult horror-thrillers, cozy mysteries, contemporary romance, sword and sorcery fantasy, and books about the esoteric and Daemonolatry. A Daemonolatress and forever a resident of Smelt Isle, she is happily married and cat-mom to three pampered house cats. Her muse is a demanding sadistic Dom who often keeps her up into the wee hours of the morning. You can contact her at

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