New Release: Thirteen Covens Academy: Coven Society #thirteencovens #RHAcademy
Rules are meant to be broken.
In my short time as a witch I’ve learned there are at least eight laws that magicians and witches must abide in order to live peacefully in coven society:
One: Don’t mix with rival covens.
Two: Do what your coven says.
Three: Follow the magickal courtesies.
Four: Never, ever, show, teach, or involve women of The Watch in magick.
Five: Don’t do necromancy. Ever.
Six: Don’t piss off anyone in Ashtaroth Briarwood.
Seven: Don’t let the town Seer read for you.
Eight: Don’t fall in love with more than one guy at a time.
I’ve never been very good at playing by the rules, which could make finishing my first year at The Academy a nightmare. Now, aside from worrying about my magickal education, making friends inside my own coven, juggling three relationships, and navigating initiations – I have nine curses to find.
Keeping it all from blowing up in my face… that’s another matter entirely.
***This is a slow burn RH, Dark UF.*** All books are available for FREE on Kindle Unlimited.
Want MORE Thirteen Covens Academy?
Coven Born (Available)
Coven Society (Available)
Coven Cursed (September 2020)
This is a spinoff series of Fourteen Tales of Thirteen Covens:
Thirteen Covens: Bloodlines Part One (The first 7 books, includes A Rising Damp, Temple Apophis, Lucifer’s Haven, Shadow Marbas, The Watch, Ba’al Collective, and Order of Eurynome)
Thirteen Covens: Darkness (And OTS-Covens crossover novel)
Thirteen Covens: Bloodlines Part Two (The next 7 books, includes Blackrose Coven, Temple Dagon, Cult of Lucifuge, Circle of the Black Moon (forthcoming), Ashtaroth Briarwood (forthcoming), Temple of the Magi (forthcoming) and Tiamat Leviathan (forthcoming).)