the writing life

New Release: Thirteen Covens Academy: Coven Society #thirteencovens #RHAcademy

Rules are meant to be broken.

In my short time as a witch I’ve learned there are at least eight laws that magicians and witches must abide in order to live peacefully in coven society:

One: Don’t mix with rival covens.

Two: Do what your coven says.

Three: Follow the magickal courtesies.

Four: Never, ever, show, teach, or involve women of The Watch in magick. 

Five: Don’t do necromancy. Ever.

Six: Don’t piss off anyone in Ashtaroth Briarwood.

Seven: Don’t let the town Seer read for you.

Eight: Don’t fall in love with more than one guy at a time.

I’ve never been very good at playing by the rules, which could make finishing my first year at The Academy a nightmare. Now, aside from worrying about my magickal education, making friends inside my own coven, juggling three relationships, and navigating initiations – I have nine curses to find.  

Keeping it all from blowing up in my face… that’s another matter entirely.


***This is a slow burn RH, Dark UF.*** All books are available for FREE on Kindle Unlimited.

Want MORE Thirteen Covens Academy?

Coven Born (Available)
Coven Society (Available)
Coven Cursed (September 2020)

This is a spinoff series of Fourteen Tales of Thirteen Covens:

Thirteen Covens: Bloodlines Part One (The first 7 books, includes A Rising Damp, Temple Apophis, Lucifer’s Haven, Shadow Marbas, The Watch, Ba’al Collective, and Order of Eurynome)

Thirteen Covens: Darkness (And OTS-Covens crossover novel)

Thirteen Covens: Bloodlines Part Two (The next 7 books, includes Blackrose Coven, Temple Dagon, Cult of Lucifuge, Circle of the Black Moon (forthcoming), Ashtaroth Briarwood (forthcoming), Temple of the Magi (forthcoming) and Tiamat Leviathan (forthcoming).)

Steph is an award winning and bestselling author of thrilling steamy and paranormal romances, dark urban fantasy, occult horror-thrillers, cozy mysteries, contemporary romance, sword and sorcery fantasy, and books about the esoteric and Daemonolatry. A Daemonolatress and forever a resident of Smelt Isle, she is happily married and cat-mom to three pampered house cats. Her muse is a demanding sadistic Dom who often keeps her up into the wee hours of the morning. You can contact her at

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