• A Malkuth of Me,  Magick,  S. Connolly

    Day Two: Under the Wire #DoMagick

    Yesterday’s results with taking what I love (writing/editing), working on that thing for awhile, then harnessing that “love” energy,  and channeling it into doing what needs to be done (i.e. things like administrative work), worked okay. I did manage to: Get the last chapter of FFG to the editor for evaluation and line edits. Get royalty statements and payments out.…

  • Magick,  S. Connolly

    6 Reasons Daemonic Invocations Fail #Daemonic #magick

    Okay, so I’m sure there are more than six reasons that a Daemonic invocation could fail (in the manifestation department, both literally and figuratively). There could be any number of reasons based on the exact circumstances of said invocation/evocation (pick your poison).  But I’ve found there are six very common reasons this happens. ARROGANCE: No one likes a douche, not…