Events Calendar

Updated 06/05/2024

July 19 – 20, 2024 – Catch my presentations on Direct Sales and The Prolific Writer at the Writing Heights Beyond Craft Conference.

September 27-29, 2024 – I am teaching multiple workshops, sitting on a panel, and taking mentor appointments at the annual Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers Colorado Gold Conference


Please note this schedule is subject to change. If you are running a large readers conference and are interested in having me attend your event as a speaker or teacher, please Contact Me. For smaller events with under 100 attendees, including anything esoteric related, please note that I may charge for these events if they are outside Colorado (Denver metro area) or if I hadn’t planned to attend on my own. Only because traveling to conferences that don’t offer a lot of exposure, on my own dime, is generally not worth the money I spend on flight, hotel, etc and it uses up all my family/vacation time.  However, if your conference is in a great location that I actually WANT to visit –  I might consider packing up the family and making a vacation of it. I will decide this on a case-by-case basis.