Writing Services

I offer a range of writing services:

  • Developmental Editing
  • Ghostwriting
  • Writing/Career Coaching

Email me for a quote: swordarkeereon at gmail dot com

If you need someone to review and assess the content, structure, and flow of your manuscript – you want a developmental editor. This means that I don’t do line edits to catch typos or spelling mistakes specifically (even though if I see those, I will point them out,) but I do look at things like:


  • Story and plot structure.
  • Character arcs.
  • Themes.
  • Overall coherence and flow of the manuscript. 
  • Areas that could be cut or expanded.


  • Overall coherence and flow of the manuscript. 
  • Organization and structure.
  • Areas that could be cut or expanded.

When you book a developmental edit with me, you are getting over 30 years of professional writing experience in both fiction and non-fiction. I can do developmental edits on articles, short stories, books, or novels.

I do ask for 25% – 50% of the fee up front. 

For regular scheduling, I charge $0.04 cents a word  (with payment plans available)

If you need a rush developmental edit, I charge $0.06 cents per word to slip you into my schedule and ask for 50% up front and 50% upon completion.

Downpayments  + signed contract required for all developmental edits.

Contact me via email swordarkeereon at gmail dot com for scheduling, price quotes, and payment options. Please note I ask all clients to sign a contract to verify that we both agree to and understand the scope of the work I provide, the agreed upon rate and payment terms, concrete timelines for the contracted work, and late payment policies.

Ghostwriting can be a great option for those who have an idea for a book, but who don’t know where to start, or for those who aren’t writers. Ghostwriters bring your book to life so that you, too, can be a published author. Please note that I DO NOT use AI. When you have me ghostwrite your book – you are getting a real, live person behind the words, giving your book more authenticity and human passion.

Advantages of hiring a ghostwriter: 

  • You don’t have to spend the time or do the work to get your story or idea into print. The only thing you need to do is have an idea. 
  • You get to put YOUR NAME as the author. Ghostwriters do not take any credit for the work. Once I send the completed work to you — it is yours to do with as you wish — and as far as the world is concerned – YOU are the author. This means that you get to do the book signings and be in the spotlight. Once the finished MS is delivered, the ghost writer fades into the background never to be seen again unless you hire her to write the sequel. 

How expensive is ghostwriting? This depends, largely, on the experience of the writer. When you hire me you are getting 30 years of professional writing experience. I’ve written bestsellers in both fiction and non-fiction, and I’ve written award winning fiction. 

Please read some of my work (or contact me for samples) to make sure my writing style works for you. I will try to match the tone and voice you want me to match. Regardless of that, if you don’t like my writing style, you may not be happy with the final product.

One-Hour Ghostwriting Consult by Phone, Zoom, or email (whatever you’re most comfortable with) – $50.00 (where we discuss your project and come up with a plan and contract)

Once you’ve signed the contract and your first down-payment has cleared, we can get to work.

Transparent Pricing:

Ghostwrite a 50k (fiction or non-fiction) book base price – $30,000.00

Add 10K words – $10,000.00

Per-word Rate: $1.00 per word after 50K

Per-word Rate for Articles or short stories: 1.00 per word.

Research Fees: $50.00 per hour. 

Downpayment of 25% (or other negotiated amount) required once the contract is signed and your book is put on my schedule. During the consultation, we will work out a monthly payment schedule, with the final payment being due upon the completion and delivery of the MS to you. 

Once the work begins – there are NO FULL REFUNDS because I’ve already begun that work and scheduled that time for your book. I will provide you with a finished section of the work with each payment. Most books should take 6 months or less to complete, so expect a minimum $7,500.00 initial payment, and payments spread across 6 months to equal $3,750.00 each. Upon the final payment, the completed MS will be delivered. If you need the book faster, we can work that out, too. If you need me to go slower to make your monthly payments affordable, we can do that, too.

What you need to provide to me:

  • A Summary of your Book
  • A Chapter by chapter outline of what you want (I can help with this, but I want to create your vision – not mine). 
  • Any research information I need to incorporate into the book. I can do research for you, but it will cost you $50 an hour in addition to my ghost writing fees.
  • A working phone number and/or email so I can contact you, during business hours, with any questions I might have.

What I will provide you: 

  • Availability Monday – Friday 10am -5:30pm MST
  • Month to month, depending on how many months the contract is for, I will provide you with the number of pages/words you’ve paid me for that month. You are welcome to ask for up to two revisions of any section as we go. I will charge for complete rewrites (after the initial 2 revisions) per word. 
  • Open communication about your book with a weekly update so you know where I’m at.
  • In the end, I will provide you with the cleanest MS I can produce. You may need to edit it yourself, or send it through an editor to catch typos I may have missed. I do run an editing program over every manuscript, but sometimes mistakes still get through because I’m not a line editor – I’m a writer.


Payment types accepted: U. S. Money Order, Checks (but I will wait for them to clear before sending work), and Paypal or Square (For credit cards – I will charge a 3% processing fee to cover credit card processing). If you choose credit card as a payment option, you will be invoiced monthly.


I do not offer full refunds. If I haven’t started the book, I will refund all money paid minus the $100 cancellation fee. If I have started the book, I will refund the amount paid MINUS $1.67 per completed word + a $100 cancellation fee and you will be given everything I have completed.

Please note that ghost writers do not help you market your work, get your work published, get your work edited, or have any involvement in the book outside the initial writing of it. 

Do you need help figuring out if you want to traditionally publish or indie publish (aka self-publish)? Do you need help setting writing career goals? Do you need help making a plan or learning how to publish your book? I can help you! I have successfully coached and mentored over 100 writers and helped them launch their writing careers by imparting knowledge, support, and encouragement. I have successfully published both traditionally and independently and have a solid grasp of the industry.

Coaching sessions are $300 per hour and are done via Zoom.

To order coaching CLICK HERE

If you’re an esoteric author looking to learn the ins and outs of self-publishing, check out my book THE INDIE ESOTERIC as it will lay out how to publish your own books.