Thirteen Covens: Darkness #OTS #ThirteenCovens

A witch-war is brewing, and I’ll be damned if I’m choosing a side.
My name is Elizabeth Tanner-Katz, Daemonolatry magician and program director of the Black Magick Network. When a wealthy acquaintance invites Mike and me to Haileyville, New York over Beltane, I jump at the chance. Who wouldn’t want to see what it would be like to live in a small town where everyone practices magick?
Upon our arrival, the coven high council calls me in and asks me to be an impartial third party to investigate a list of supernatural occurrences. Naturally, I’m curious. On the list for my investigation, zombies, curses, Daemonic portals, and dark coven secrets. While poking around, Mike and I learn a curious fact about Beverly that sends Mike off on an investigation of his own.
Can I help the coven High Council without escalating tensions? It’s worth a shot.
Get it HERE.
Paperback coming soon!