Eagle’s Talon Gray #sorcererstwilight
The final battle is upon them…
On the brink of the Sorcerers’ twilight, the Kersians, now armed with a bigger magical weapon and led by the unstable sorcerer Seth, march on a defenseless Arkeereon. The Seer Natyis is preoccupied with his own plans to kidnap the Sorceress Tnasha fen Schoitt as a pair bond for one of Arkeereon’s four sorcerer princes. Danaria gathers its armies, declaring war on Arkeereon. Amid mounting tensions and danger on all sides, Tnasha must use her wits and sorcery to bring Arkeereon, Darnaria, and the Angorans back together to take their final stand against the Kersians. The fate of the sorcerers’ race is in the hands of one woman…
This is the final book in the Sorcerers’ Twilight trilogy. (epic fantasy) KINDLE | PAPERBACK
To learn more about other books in the Sorcerers’ Twilight Series SEE THIS PAGE.
Three Book Hardcover set of this series is coming, soon!
What Readers Are Saying:
“A sobering tale that successfully blends epic and romantic fantasy.” – Sabrina Moore
“This book, this whole series, is one woman’s coming of age and discovering her own power and strength, and it’s good.” – Lynette T.