• books,  the writing life,  thoughts

    Writing “THE END”

    I was reading an article earlier about how different authors felt when they finished writing a book.  I started thinking about my own reaction when I finish writing a book. There are two kinds of finished IMHO. There’s finished with the draft that goes off to the editor and then there’s *finished* as in it’s going to press.  I don’t generally get…

  • business of writing,  craft,  the writing life,  thoughts


    This post was edited 8:07 PM for clarity. Yeah – everyone and their mother keeps writing these silly articles telling everyone they’re going to tell them some great reality of being a self-published author. Something that everyone else is afraid to tell them.  Then they lament about how authors have to write a good book, put out an awesome product, and market the…

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    Re-Gen Cycle Complete

    You have to read the title of this post in a robot voice or it just isn’t as cool. Just sayin’… So brilliant news! I think I am back into a productive cycle again. Working on two fiction projects and got stuff done on both over the weekend. Not to mention I got approval today to seek funding for “My…

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    SPAM Bots & Revision Tales

    Earlier this week my site here was hit with one of those comment SPAM bots. If you have a blog you know the ones I’m talking about. The ones that post silly comments and URLs to posts from back-in-the-day in hopes the comments will just sit there unnoticed. The plan being that the more sites that link to them will…

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    I am not lucid today. My words are a mish-mash of utter nonsense. I just tried to answer an e-mail that, when I read it back (after clicking send), made no sense. Well, actually it made sense, but not entirely. Today is just one of those days where there’s not enough coffee on the planet to make a difference in…

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    Shaved Pussy & Other Tales

    I thought that would get your attention. So today the cats went in for their annual lion cuts.  We should do it twice a year. Long-haired cats shed a lot and as they get older they tend to get mats in their hair and have a harder time with hairballs. So shaving them for the summer really does make their…

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    Everything Else

    So I have a lot of odds and ends to share. First things first – I didn’t write a single word this weekend. Hey – even writers need mini-vacations.  I don’t know that it was technically a vacation since I spend it doing yard related work. However – it was nice not having to turn on the computer at all…