• the writing life,  Updates

    Oops – Forgot to Post

    I actually forgot to do my regular post yesterday. I post daily because it’s an exercise in staying productive and making sure I write something every day. Writing every day is a good habit for any writer. If I waited until I always had something pithy to say, I’d only post a few times a month and would probably fall…

  • Magick,  religion,  rituals,  S. Connolly,  thoughts

    Rigidity Makes for Bad Magicians

    Rigid magicians are limited magicians. Now this is just my personal opinion, but let me share with you why I think this. First let me define what I mean by “rigid” magician. The rigid magician is one who follows magick by-the-book, follows rigid definitions, or has an impersonal magickal path that he follows to the letter. First, when you follow something…

  • Updates


    Ah, the story is flowing again. Sometimes you have to go to the end to better understand the middle. Earlier today my antagonist finally revealed the ending of Into Darkness.  Don’t get me wrong – I kind of had an idea where the story was going, but the exact details weren’t forthcoming. I write organically.  I start with a vague…

  • books,  Magick,  reviews

    Author Profile: Rufus Opus

    So those of you who know me know that I am an open-minded practical magician. I work across magickal schools of thought. I’m not above a little kitchen witchery and I’m certainly no stranger to the three great pillars or The Great Work. I’m all about Hermetics, Alchemy, even Wortcunning and I secretly have a love for Grimoiric Magic. I am a Lon…

  • Updates

    A Reading

    My friend Amy gives me regular readings. Here is this month’s. Move ahead in your work with extreme caution to protect your livelihood. There are enemies who want to take what you have for themselves.  The leader is one you know. Her own insecurities drive her. You fear failure and yet seek success. Through resolve, action, resolute steadfastness you will…

  • Updates

    Contemplate This On The Tree of Woe!

    “Contemplate this on the tree of woe.” – Thulsa Doom (Conan the Barbarian) Hmm. What shall we contemplate today? Today I’m actually contemplating labels and how restrictive they are. Everyone is always trying to attach their own definition to subjective self-labels in such a way that it excludes some and includes others based on personal viewpoint (and who we get…

  • Updates

    Updates & Good Stuff

    Okay – so I did some web stuff recently to improve this site and I probably ought to share it. First, I added a FAQ page. Second, I fixed the contact form (a personal website is no longer required and it won’t ask you how you want me to contact you).  I actually tested it and it works. Next, I…

  • Updates

    Domesticating A Writer

    I am many things, but I’m not domestic. Sure, my inner Martha Stewart raises her hydra head every now and again (maybe once a year if she’s been nurtured properly) but it’s not normal for me. This morning I had to get up extra early because we had the Comcast guy come to the house to fix an Internet issue.…

  • Updates

    Feast of Wadjet!

    Happy Feast of Wadjet everyone! May you be infinately blessed. So tomorrow night we’re holding an initiation ceremony, which means I need to clean the temple tonight.  I did wait until the last minute because it’s spring and spring in our house generally means lots of hairballs and tufts of black kitty fluff everywhere. (Shaving next month!) In writing news…